Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2024
Generated 25-Oct-2024 03:15 CST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2024
Total Hits 7671766
Total Files 7517516
Total Pages 7527536
Total Visits 538993
Total KBytes 183959446
Total Unique Sites 18061
Total Unique URLs 8830
Total Unique Referrers 10172
Total Unique User Agents 3508
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 12786 50022
Hits per Day 306870 796408
Files per Day 300700 789686
Pages per Day 301101 791168
Sites per Day 722 7005
Visits per Day 21559 31467
KBytes per Day 7358378 21556405
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.01% 408
Code 200 - OK 97.99% 7517516
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 52
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.03% 2474
Code 302 - Found 0.02% 1558
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.99% 75990
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 172
Code 404 - Not Found 0.95% 73226
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 140
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 218
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 0.00% 12

Daily usage for October 2024

Daily Statistics for October 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 270190 3.52% 264690 3.52% 263892 3.51% 27901 5.18% 6633 36.73% 5151113 2.80%
2 286032 3.73% 278798 3.71% 280526 3.73% 30508 5.66% 7005 38.79% 6087219 3.31%
3 310788 4.05% 305558 4.06% 304976 4.05% 27889 5.17% 6866 38.02% 6627182 3.60%
4 99710 1.30% 92084 1.22% 91672 1.22% 16135 2.99% 4313 23.88% 2444856 1.33%
5 89795 1.17% 84904 1.13% 84564 1.12% 18546 3.44% 5440 30.12% 2147076 1.17%
6 114201 1.49% 108414 1.44% 108036 1.44% 16933 3.14% 4449 24.63% 3455769 1.88%
7 138282 1.80% 130198 1.73% 132178 1.76% 14563 2.70% 3577 19.81% 3530667 1.92%
8 221388 2.89% 214825 2.86% 215985 2.87% 16431 3.05% 3638 20.14% 4000062 2.17%
9 304842 3.97% 296737 3.95% 297223 3.95% 25911 4.81% 6485 35.91% 5766299 3.13%
10 286142 3.73% 279122 3.71% 278198 3.70% 25675 4.76% 6008 33.27% 5736146 3.12%
11 272450 3.55% 265598 3.53% 266932 3.55% 24151 4.48% 5704 31.58% 5253686 2.86%
12 135008 1.76% 128972 1.72% 129140 1.72% 18005 3.34% 4460 24.69% 2993369 1.63%
13 152912 1.99% 149016 1.98% 147774 1.96% 17583 3.26% 4195 23.23% 4199445 2.28%
14 342300 4.46% 336630 4.48% 336628 4.47% 21017 3.90% 4666 25.83% 7414214 4.03%
15 275506 3.59% 268772 3.58% 270264 3.59% 17955 3.33% 3914 21.67% 5308612 2.89%
16 260160 3.39% 254076 3.38% 254414 3.38% 17616 3.27% 4485 24.83% 5108326 2.78%
17 285088 3.72% 279356 3.72% 280572 3.73% 22016 4.08% 4638 25.68% 5608224 3.05%
18 337568 4.40% 330328 4.39% 331682 4.41% 22631 4.20% 4922 27.25% 7627551 4.15%
19 532834 6.95% 527042 7.01% 527576 7.01% 28015 5.20% 6651 36.83% 13070396 7.11%
20 745048 9.71% 738050 9.82% 738946 9.82% 30603 5.68% 6283 34.79% 18748750 10.19%
21 796408 10.38% 789686 10.50% 791168 10.51% 31467 5.84% 6833 37.83% 20803208 11.31%
22 572512 7.46% 567120 7.54% 567208 7.54% 29307 5.44% 6733 37.28% 16708888 9.08%
23 162052 2.11% 152332 2.03% 153502 2.04% 21170 3.93% 6017 33.31% 4611688 2.51%
24 680538 8.87% 675196 8.98% 674468 8.96% 26720 4.96% 4385 24.28% 21556405 11.72%
25 12 0.00% 12 0.00% 12 0.00% 6 0.00% 6 0.03% 295 0.00%

Hourly usage for October 2024

Hourly Statistics for October 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 11598 289973 3.78% 11275 281887 3.75% 11344 283609 3.77% 281106 7027655 3.82%
1 11363 284094 3.70% 11066 276664 3.68% 11178 279464 3.71% 269330 6733245 3.66%
2 11836 295906 3.86% 11667 291676 3.88% 11667 291692 3.87% 280317 7007925 3.81%
3 12307 307690 4.01% 12105 302648 4.03% 12125 303136 4.03% 295216 7380391 4.01%
4 15313 382828 4.99% 15117 377934 5.03% 15180 379508 5.04% 378045 9451119 5.14%
5 15395 384886 5.02% 15257 381446 5.07% 15288 382224 5.08% 381740 9543499 5.19%
6 15273 381834 4.98% 15143 378578 5.04% 15160 379012 5.04% 379507 9487664 5.16%
7 14773 369326 4.81% 14600 365004 4.86% 14601 365028 4.85% 363818 9095441 4.94%
8 14182 354564 4.62% 13991 349782 4.65% 13971 349276 4.64% 349630 8740752 4.75%
9 13463 336594 4.39% 13244 331114 4.40% 13222 330554 4.39% 329427 8235676 4.48%
10 12954 323870 4.22% 12712 317824 4.23% 12683 317090 4.21% 312266 7806662 4.24%
11 13043 326076 4.25% 12749 318744 4.24% 12764 319100 4.24% 307804 7695110 4.18%
12 14299 357498 4.66% 13879 346986 4.62% 14042 351052 4.66% 352944 8823607 4.80%
13 14812 370314 4.83% 14497 362426 4.82% 14459 361498 4.80% 369809 9245213 5.03%
14 14582 364560 4.75% 14254 356360 4.74% 14308 357720 4.75% 358122 8953055 4.87%
15 14989 374736 4.88% 14668 366706 4.88% 14683 367094 4.88% 364964 9124093 4.96%
16 13164 329106 4.29% 12873 321846 4.28% 12869 321726 4.27% 318179 7954486 4.32%
17 11515 287884 3.75% 11252 281304 3.74% 11263 281594 3.74% 267274 6681856 3.63%
18 10191 254790 3.32% 9932 248302 3.30% 9944 248614 3.30% 225349 5633727 3.06%
19 10220 255519 3.33% 9972 249318 3.32% 9948 248719 3.30% 234930 5873252 3.19%
20 10407 260191 3.39% 10125 253127 3.37% 10091 252292 3.35% 236951 5923776 3.22%
21 10574 264353 3.45% 10295 257388 3.42% 10268 256718 3.41% 240709 6017725 3.27%
22 9996 249921 3.26% 9749 243743 3.24% 9686 242162 3.22% 223746 5593655 3.04%
23 10610 265253 3.46% 10268 256709 3.41% 10346 258654 3.44% 237195 5929863 3.22%

Top 30 of 8830 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2546068 33.19% 24506568 13.32% /phpBB21/ucp.php
2 1505918 19.63% 38300962 20.82% /phpBB21/viewtopic.php
3 1241572 16.18% 30952117 16.83% /
4 618458 8.06% 30936970 16.82% /phpBB21/faq.php
5 437280 5.70% 4217469 2.29% /phpBB21/memberlist.php
6 412138 5.37% 29044504 15.79% /phpBB21/viewforum.php
7 354048 4.61% 17978585 9.77% /phpBB21/search.php
8 195784 2.55% 3749083 2.04% /phpBB21/
9 69574 0.91% 1089651 0.59% /phpBB21/posting.php
10 24880 0.32% 1045 0.00% /phpBB21/cron.php
11 4496 0.06% 54265 0.03% /cgi-bin/rogbook.cgi
12 4364 0.06% 772897 0.42% /phpBB21/download/file.php
13 3326 0.04% 32814 0.02% /phpBB21/report.php
14 2016 0.03% 5766 0.00% /Novels/bottom.htm
15 1324 0.02% 3916 0.00% /Art/201002/bottom.htm
16 1258 0.02% 3692 0.00% /afok/bottom_movies.htm
17 1172 0.02% 14387 0.01% /cgi-bin/rogbgbk.cgi
18 1132 0.01% 25572 0.01% /Movies/adult/bigfish/bigfish.htm
19 878 0.01% 29984 0.02% /Literature/Faust/Faust.htm
20 802 0.01% 2484 0.00% /Music/bottom.htm
21 758 0.01% 6595 0.00% /Movies/mind/8MM/8mm.htm
22 722 0.01% 5527 0.00% /Art/201002/09.htm
23 720 0.01% 6749 0.00% /Movies/special/main2_1_13.htm
24 666 0.01% 4291 0.00% /Art/201002/08.htm
25 648 0.01% 61672 0.03% /ic975/RegionalLiteratures/HongXingFu/01.htm
26 572 0.01% 17177 0.01% /Art/gogh/Gogh01.htm
27 564 0.01% 6140 0.00% /Movies/special/main2_1_14.htm
28 490 0.01% 30686 0.02% /ic975/RegionalLiteratures/HuangChunMing/01.htm
29 488 0.01% 1638 0.00% /Movies/adult/b.htm
30 474 0.01% 1492 0.00% /afok/bottom0.htm

Top 10 of 8830 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1505918 19.63% 38300962 20.82% /phpBB21/viewtopic.php
2 1241572 16.18% 30952117 16.83% /
3 618458 8.06% 30936970 16.82% /phpBB21/faq.php
4 412138 5.37% 29044504 15.79% /phpBB21/viewforum.php
5 2546068 33.19% 24506568 13.32% /phpBB21/ucp.php
6 354048 4.61% 17978585 9.77% /phpBB21/search.php
7 437280 5.70% 4217469 2.29% /phpBB21/memberlist.php
8 195784 2.55% 3749083 2.04% /phpBB21/
9 69574 0.91% 1089651 0.59% /phpBB21/posting.php
10 4364 0.06% 772897 0.42% /phpBB21/download/file.php

Top 10 of 2783 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1241572 16.18% 308850 57.55% /
2 2546068 33.19% 89483 16.68% /phpBB21/ucp.php
3 1505918 19.63% 45041 8.39% /phpBB21/viewtopic.php
4 618458 8.06% 21710 4.05% /phpBB21/faq.php
5 437280 5.70% 12692 2.37% /phpBB21/memberlist.php
6 412138 5.37% 12630 2.35% /phpBB21/viewforum.php
7 354048 4.61% 10602 1.98% /phpBB21/search.php
8 195784 2.55% 7288 1.36% /phpBB21/
9 69574 0.91% 2224 0.41% /phpBB21/posting.php
10 24880 0.32% 1731 0.32% /phpBB21/cron.php

Top 10 of 2783 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1241572 16.18% 308845 57.55% /
2 2546068 33.19% 88225 16.44% /phpBB21/ucp.php
3 1505918 19.63% 46707 8.70% /phpBB21/viewtopic.php
4 618458 8.06% 21911 4.08% /phpBB21/faq.php
5 412138 5.37% 13966 2.60% /phpBB21/viewforum.php
6 354048 4.61% 10931 2.04% /phpBB21/search.php
7 437280 5.70% 10744 2.00% /phpBB21/memberlist.php
8 195784 2.55% 7830 1.46% /phpBB21/
9 69574 0.91% 2133 0.40% /phpBB21/posting.php
10 4364 0.06% 1612 0.30% /phpBB21/download/file.php

Top 30 of 18061 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 53414 0.70% 53400 0.71% 873851 0.48% 149 0.03%
2 53412 0.70% 53402 0.71% 885508 0.48% 157 0.03%
3 53252 0.69% 53238 0.71% 875101 0.48% 155 0.03%
4 52582 0.69% 52572 0.70% 867290 0.47% 148 0.03%
5 52338 0.68% 52332 0.70% 855647 0.47% 147 0.03%
6 51974 0.68% 51962 0.69% 848047 0.46% 156 0.03%
7 51932 0.68% 51922 0.69% 854682 0.46% 147 0.03%
8 51144 0.67% 51126 0.68% 830351 0.45% 143 0.03%
9 10856 0.14% 10854 0.14% 176221 0.10% 132 0.02%
10 10848 0.14% 10848 0.14% 179509 0.10% 120 0.02%
11 10798 0.14% 10796 0.14% 176045 0.10% 107 0.02%
12 10794 0.14% 10792 0.14% 176642 0.10% 113 0.02%
13 10782 0.14% 10778 0.14% 178966 0.10% 110 0.02%
14 10750 0.14% 10750 0.14% 178983 0.10% 118 0.02%
15 10724 0.14% 10718 0.14% 179138 0.10% 120 0.02%
16 10702 0.14% 10698 0.14% 174623 0.09% 110 0.02%
17 10652 0.14% 10644 0.14% 178609 0.10% 108 0.02%
18 10580 0.14% 10580 0.14% 175692 0.10% 121 0.02%
19 10570 0.14% 10558 0.14% 169309 0.09% 116 0.02%
20 10532 0.14% 10528 0.14% 171852 0.09% 119 0.02%
21 10498 0.14% 10498 0.14% 175043 0.10% 112 0.02%
22 10484 0.14% 10482 0.14% 174379 0.09% 112 0.02%
23 10446 0.14% 10446 0.14% 168899 0.09% 104 0.02%
24 10378 0.14% 10376 0.14% 169809 0.09% 112 0.02%
25 10362 0.14% 10356 0.14% 172847 0.09% 107 0.02%
26 10332 0.13% 10324 0.14% 168897 0.09% 98 0.02%
27 10292 0.13% 10286 0.14% 169536 0.09% 105 0.02%
28 10226 0.13% 10226 0.14% 173186 0.09% 125 0.02%
29 10212 0.13% 10210 0.14% 170852 0.09% 109 0.02%
30 10188 0.13% 10184 0.14% 168681 0.09% 100 0.02%

Top 10 of 18061 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 53412 0.70% 53402 0.71% 885508 0.48% 157 0.03%
2 53252 0.69% 53238 0.71% 875101 0.48% 155 0.03%
3 53414 0.70% 53400 0.71% 873851 0.48% 149 0.03%
4 52582 0.69% 52572 0.70% 867290 0.47% 148 0.03%
5 52338 0.68% 52332 0.70% 855647 0.47% 147 0.03%
6 51932 0.68% 51922 0.69% 854682 0.46% 147 0.03%
7 51974 0.68% 51962 0.69% 848047 0.46% 156 0.03%
8 51144 0.67% 51126 0.68% 830351 0.45% 143 0.03%
9 9758 0.13% 9752 0.13% 330212 0.18% 300 0.06%
10 10134 0.13% 10122 0.13% 327658 0.18% 273 0.05%

Top 30 of 10172 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 7518742 98.01% - (Direct Request)
2 20440 0.27%
3 3940 0.05%
4 3586 0.05%
5 2406 0.03%
6 2184 0.03%
7 2108 0.03%
8 2026 0.03%
9 1778 0.02%
10 1706 0.02%
11 1678 0.02%
12 1674 0.02%
13 1636 0.02%
14 1422 0.02%
15 1270 0.02%
16 1242 0.02%
17 1206 0.02%
18 1114 0.01%
19 1008 0.01%
20 968 0.01%
21 964 0.01%
22 934 0.01%
23 900 0.01%
24 866 0.01%
25 824 0.01%
26 810 0.01%
27 784 0.01%
28 770 0.01%
29 762 0.01%
30 748 0.01%

Top 20 of 190 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 100 9.26% {keywords} inurl:htm
2 50 4.63%
3 42 3.89%
4 40 3.70%
5 38 3.52%
6 24 2.22%
7 22 2.04%
8 22 2.04%
9 22 2.04%
10 22 2.04%
11 18 1.67%
12 18 1.67%
13 18 1.67%
14 18 1.67%
15 16 1.48%
16 14 1.30%
17 14 1.30%
18 14 1.30%
19 14 1.30%
20 12 1.11%

Top 15 of 3508 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2710216 35.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
2 2093062 27.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4 Safari/605.1.15 (Appleb
3 1350028 17.60% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +
4 718670 9.37% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
5 335156 4.37% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
6 154324 2.01% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/129.0.6668.89 Mobile
7 41728 0.54% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/129.0.6668.70 Mobile
8 31390 0.41% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
9 18444 0.24% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
10 15518 0.20% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
11 10630 0.14% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.6 Mobile/15E148
12 10414 0.14% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; ImagesiftBot;
13 10208 0.13% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/128.0.6613.137 Mobile
14 8580 0.11% Googlebot-Image/1.0
15 6934 0.09% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;

Usage by Country for October 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 7671766 100.00% 7517568 100.00% 183959446 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23