Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2024
Generated 01-Oct-2024 02:20 CST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2024
Total Hits 9209192
Total Files 9012192
Total Pages 9029384
Total Visits 588790
Total KBytes 217112451
Total Unique Sites 17849
Total Unique URLs 9551
Total Unique Referrers 8749
Total Unique User Agents 3343
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 12790 47556
Hits per Day 306973 444976
Files per Day 300406 436918
Pages per Day 300979 438612
Sites per Day 594 6284
Visits per Day 19626 24338
KBytes per Day 7237082 10667564
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.02% 1492
Code 200 - OK 97.86% 9012192
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 68
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.04% 3448
Code 302 - Found 0.04% 4096
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.92% 84756
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.01% 1006
Code 404 - Not Found 1.09% 100550
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 44
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.02% 1530
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 0.00% 10

Daily usage for September 2024

Daily Statistics for September 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 430090 4.67% 425368 4.72% 423428 4.69% 18206 3.09% 3709 20.78% 10422672 4.80%
2 397352 4.31% 391064 4.34% 392134 4.34% 16694 2.84% 3413 19.12% 10486005 4.83%
3 407336 4.42% 400464 4.44% 401600 4.45% 23687 4.02% 5923 33.18% 10512296 4.84%
4 342394 3.72% 336914 3.74% 336798 3.73% 24011 4.08% 5775 32.35% 7949774 3.66%
5 376832 4.09% 370466 4.11% 371640 4.12% 23003 3.91% 5567 31.19% 9113434 4.20%
6 425656 4.62% 419150 4.65% 420544 4.66% 21687 3.68% 5277 29.56% 9827080 4.53%
7 314112 3.41% 309260 3.43% 309228 3.42% 20364 3.46% 4630 25.94% 6948853 3.20%
8 328280 3.56% 320954 3.56% 320182 3.55% 21858 3.71% 5200 29.13% 7634910 3.52%
9 444976 4.83% 436918 4.85% 438612 4.86% 21188 3.60% 5017 28.11% 10667564 4.91%
10 232242 2.52% 222918 2.47% 224996 2.49% 17105 2.91% 4951 27.74% 4902094 2.26%
11 96166 1.04% 89092 0.99% 90324 1.00% 13709 2.33% 3901 21.86% 2526034 1.16%
12 120090 1.30% 113732 1.26% 114254 1.27% 14719 2.50% 4353 24.39% 2889642 1.33%
13 190330 2.07% 182870 2.03% 185010 2.05% 14067 2.39% 3402 19.06% 5694840 2.62%
14 271376 2.95% 266156 2.95% 265366 2.94% 16885 2.87% 3657 20.49% 7055071 3.25%
15 277380 3.01% 273202 3.03% 271920 3.01% 17435 2.96% 4348 24.36% 6291173 2.90%
16 313618 3.41% 306730 3.40% 308204 3.41% 17627 2.99% 3755 21.04% 7281669 3.35%
17 302864 3.29% 296110 3.29% 296844 3.29% 17811 3.03% 4066 22.78% 6518757 3.00%
18 204668 2.22% 198464 2.20% 198052 2.19% 19795 3.36% 5045 28.26% 4539970 2.09%
19 262052 2.85% 253834 2.82% 254180 2.82% 20664 3.51% 5078 28.45% 6906481 3.18%
20 356862 3.88% 350284 3.89% 351202 3.89% 22107 3.75% 5299 29.69% 9121553 4.20%
21 342966 3.72% 336540 3.73% 338358 3.75% 21000 3.57% 5090 28.52% 7891190 3.63%
22 294088 3.19% 288456 3.20% 288782 3.20% 20763 3.53% 4969 27.84% 6229171 2.87%
23 380444 4.13% 373844 4.15% 374532 4.15% 23515 3.99% 5666 31.74% 9520998 4.39%
24 373968 4.06% 368530 4.09% 368670 4.08% 21419 3.64% 5392 30.21% 8316356 3.83%
25 278138 3.02% 271402 3.01% 271972 3.01% 19264 3.27% 4216 23.62% 5324560 2.45%
26 299418 3.25% 291618 3.24% 293790 3.25% 22341 3.79% 5696 31.91% 6266639 2.89%
27 366966 3.98% 359382 3.99% 361126 4.00% 24338 4.13% 6284 35.21% 9219849 4.25%
28 384976 4.18% 377156 4.18% 377062 4.18% 22662 3.85% 4755 26.64% 9361401 4.31%
29 130808 1.42% 123604 1.37% 123514 1.37% 19007 3.23% 4434 24.84% 2886581 1.33%
30 262744 2.85% 257710 2.86% 257060 2.85% 21876 3.72% 5687 31.86% 4805835 2.21%

Hourly usage for September 2024

Hourly Statistics for September 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 12822 384684 4.18% 12543 376296 4.18% 12545 376360 4.17% 297642 8929248 4.11%
1 12078 362366 3.93% 11807 354222 3.93% 11856 355690 3.94% 275510 8265301 3.81%
2 12476 374302 4.06% 12272 368184 4.09% 12326 369794 4.10% 288259 8647759 3.98%
3 12532 375988 4.08% 12291 368740 4.09% 12388 371642 4.12% 286917 8607517 3.96%
4 11683 350500 3.81% 11533 346012 3.84% 11529 345884 3.83% 271127 8133811 3.75%
5 12053 361590 3.93% 11890 356716 3.96% 11919 357588 3.96% 287626 8628795 3.97%
6 12186 365602 3.97% 11998 359964 3.99% 12036 361096 4.00% 286582 8597466 3.96%
7 11971 359150 3.90% 11691 350754 3.89% 11779 353378 3.91% 273141 8194232 3.77%
8 12110 363326 3.95% 11832 354974 3.94% 11872 356188 3.94% 281749 8452484 3.89%
9 12216 366490 3.98% 11938 358146 3.97% 11955 358674 3.97% 283444 8503318 3.92%
10 12864 385930 4.19% 12525 375762 4.17% 12549 376482 4.17% 294320 8829598 4.07%
11 12425 372762 4.05% 12105 363156 4.03% 12140 364206 4.03% 287499 8624965 3.97%
12 12916 387486 4.21% 12671 380148 4.22% 12663 379898 4.21% 314042 9421246 4.34%
13 13082 392486 4.26% 12792 383762 4.26% 12791 383750 4.25% 312873 9386179 4.32%
14 12936 388106 4.21% 12585 377572 4.19% 12608 378262 4.19% 311398 9341941 4.30%
15 12865 385978 4.19% 12564 376936 4.18% 12570 377110 4.18% 295216 8856480 4.08%
16 12946 388406 4.22% 12627 378810 4.20% 12655 379654 4.20% 336444 10093332 4.65%
17 14575 437254 4.75% 14280 428420 4.75% 14326 429784 4.76% 334961 10048834 4.63%
18 13584 407548 4.43% 13360 400828 4.45% 13360 400804 4.44% 327920 9837609 4.53%
19 13441 403240 4.38% 13218 396550 4.40% 13184 395548 4.38% 337580 10127393 4.66%
20 13603 408116 4.43% 13277 398330 4.42% 13281 398430 4.41% 319004 9570134 4.41%
21 13691 410730 4.46% 13326 399788 4.44% 13345 400378 4.43% 330436 9913089 4.57%
22 13196 395900 4.30% 12860 385828 4.28% 12860 385826 4.27% 310286 9308580 4.29%
23 12708 381252 4.14% 12409 372294 4.13% 12431 372958 4.13% 293105 8793138 4.05%

Top 30 of 9551 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3809046 41.36% 36730088 16.92% /phpBB21/ucp.php
2 1307626 14.20% 36384417 16.76% /phpBB21/viewtopic.php
3 1246260 13.53% 31061858 14.31% /
4 1060578 11.52% 53038098 24.43% /phpBB21/faq.php
5 432508 4.70% 31694676 14.60% /phpBB21/viewforum.php
6 361362 3.92% 3470125 1.60% /phpBB21/memberlist.php
7 270466 2.94% 13571432 6.25% /phpBB21/search.php
8 166412 1.81% 6988 0.00% /phpBB21/cron.php
9 147238 1.60% 2806318 1.29% /phpBB21/
10 57468 0.62% 1134162 0.52% /phpBB21/posting.php
11 14428 0.16% 3441682 1.59% /phpBB21/download/file.php
12 4860 0.05% 47795 0.02% /phpBB21/report.php
13 4094 0.04% 51374 0.02% /cgi-bin/rogbook.cgi
14 2266 0.02% 6482 0.00% /Novels/bottom.htm
15 1842 0.02% 5405 0.00% /afok/bottom_movies.htm
16 1678 0.02% 4964 0.00% /Art/201002/bottom.htm
17 1262 0.01% 28328 0.01% /Movies/adult/bigfish/bigfish.htm
18 1006 0.01% 8771 0.00% /Movies/mind/8MM/8mm.htm
19 882 0.01% 2732 0.00% /Music/bottom.htm
20 802 0.01% 5162 0.00% /Art/201002/08.htm
21 738 0.01% 5635 0.00% /Art/201002/09.htm
22 738 0.01% 25126 0.01% /Literature/Faust/Faust.htm
23 708 0.01% 9547 0.00% /cgi-bin/rogbgbk.cgi
24 684 0.01% 9412 0.00% /marriage/marriage09.htm
25 660 0.01% 6622 0.00% /Movies/special/main2_1_2.htm
26 658 0.01% 8238 0.00% /Philosophy/worth.htm
27 596 0.01% 2001 0.00% /Movies/adult/b.htm
28 576 0.01% 24223 0.01% /Movies/cartoon/24.htm
29 506 0.01% 3339 0.00% /Art/201002/05.htm
30 500 0.01% 31585 0.01% /ic975/RegionalLiteratures/HuangChunMing/01.htm

Top 10 of 9551 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1060578 11.52% 53038098 24.43% /phpBB21/faq.php
2 3809046 41.36% 36730088 16.92% /phpBB21/ucp.php
3 1307626 14.20% 36384417 16.76% /phpBB21/viewtopic.php
4 432508 4.70% 31694676 14.60% /phpBB21/viewforum.php
5 1246260 13.53% 31061858 14.31% /
6 270466 2.94% 13571432 6.25% /phpBB21/search.php
7 361362 3.92% 3470125 1.60% /phpBB21/memberlist.php
8 14428 0.16% 3441682 1.59% /phpBB21/download/file.php
9 147238 1.60% 2806318 1.29% /phpBB21/
10 57468 0.62% 1134162 0.52% /phpBB21/posting.php

Top 10 of 3305 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1246260 13.53% 328123 56.06% /
2 3809046 41.36% 128913 22.03% /phpBB21/ucp.php
3 1307626 14.20% 35349 6.04% /phpBB21/viewtopic.php
4 1060578 11.52% 27465 4.69% /phpBB21/faq.php
5 432508 4.70% 8385 1.43% /phpBB21/viewforum.php
6 361362 3.92% 6516 1.11% /phpBB21/memberlist.php
7 270466 2.94% 6232 1.06% /phpBB21/search.php
8 166412 1.81% 5492 0.94% /phpBB21/cron.php
9 147238 1.60% 3796 0.65% /phpBB21/
10 57468 0.62% 2452 0.42% /phpBB21/posting.php

Top 10 of 3275 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1246260 13.53% 327677 56.02% /
2 3809046 41.36% 128397 21.95% /phpBB21/ucp.php
3 1307626 14.20% 37142 6.35% /phpBB21/viewtopic.php
4 1060578 11.52% 27023 4.62% /phpBB21/faq.php
5 432508 4.70% 8363 1.43% /phpBB21/viewforum.php
6 270466 2.94% 5980 1.02% /phpBB21/search.php
7 361362 3.92% 5657 0.97% /phpBB21/memberlist.php
8 166412 1.81% 5295 0.91% /phpBB21/cron.php
9 147238 1.60% 4553 0.78% /phpBB21/
10 57468 0.62% 2432 0.42% /phpBB21/posting.php

Top 30 of 17849 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 82224 0.89% 82206 0.91% 1335578 0.62% 117 0.02%
2 81568 0.89% 81544 0.90% 1342885 0.62% 112 0.02%
3 80642 0.88% 80616 0.89% 1354892 0.62% 119 0.02%
4 80632 0.88% 80604 0.89% 1313952 0.61% 116 0.02%
5 80376 0.87% 80312 0.89% 1334129 0.61% 115 0.02%
6 79686 0.87% 79630 0.88% 1320849 0.61% 112 0.02%
7 79586 0.86% 79546 0.88% 1318858 0.61% 121 0.02%
8 78986 0.86% 78970 0.88% 1302918 0.60% 107 0.02%
9 25976 0.28% 25934 0.29% 914720 0.42% 307 0.05%
10 25190 0.27% 25124 0.28% 841288 0.39% 313 0.05%
11 25064 0.27% 25014 0.28% 863227 0.40% 303 0.05%
12 24906 0.27% 24878 0.28% 849653 0.39% 292 0.05%
13 24706 0.27% 24652 0.27% 833022 0.38% 295 0.05%
14 24688 0.27% 24656 0.27% 874462 0.40% 281 0.05%
15 24490 0.27% 24432 0.27% 817543 0.38% 321 0.05%
16 24064 0.26% 24006 0.27% 824720 0.38% 305 0.05%
17 23720 0.26% 23658 0.26% 823131 0.38% 301 0.05%
18 23650 0.26% 23608 0.26% 833488 0.38% 289 0.05%
19 23618 0.26% 23536 0.26% 834123 0.38% 312 0.05%
20 23338 0.25% 23298 0.26% 784981 0.36% 300 0.05%
21 23186 0.25% 23140 0.26% 788022 0.36% 309 0.05%
22 23038 0.25% 22988 0.26% 770237 0.35% 293 0.05%
23 23036 0.25% 22982 0.26% 766379 0.35% 300 0.05%
24 22888 0.25% 22852 0.25% 790248 0.36% 289 0.05%
25 22874 0.25% 22814 0.25% 782890 0.36% 308 0.05%
26 22846 0.25% 22798 0.25% 788837 0.36% 292 0.05%
27 22716 0.25% 22672 0.25% 795857 0.37% 297 0.05%
28 22644 0.25% 22582 0.25% 792550 0.37% 298 0.05%
29 22346 0.24% 22284 0.25% 806396 0.37% 310 0.05%
30 22328 0.24% 22284 0.25% 747534 0.34% 275 0.05%

Top 10 of 17849 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 80642 0.88% 80616 0.89% 1354892 0.62% 119 0.02%
2 81568 0.89% 81544 0.90% 1342885 0.62% 112 0.02%
3 82224 0.89% 82206 0.91% 1335578 0.62% 117 0.02%
4 80376 0.87% 80312 0.89% 1334129 0.61% 115 0.02%
5 79686 0.87% 79630 0.88% 1320849 0.61% 112 0.02%
6 79586 0.86% 79546 0.88% 1318858 0.61% 121 0.02%
7 80632 0.88% 80604 0.89% 1313952 0.61% 116 0.02%
8 78986 0.86% 78970 0.88% 1302918 0.60% 107 0.02%
9 25976 0.28% 25934 0.29% 914720 0.42% 307 0.05%
10 24688 0.27% 24656 0.27% 874462 0.40% 281 0.05%

Top 30 of 8749 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 9033406 98.09% - (Direct Request)
2 20582 0.22%
3 6378 0.07%
4 3716 0.04%
5 3462 0.04%
6 3246 0.04%
7 3184 0.03%
8 2430 0.03%
9 2102 0.02%
10 2044 0.02%
11 2006 0.02%
12 1698 0.02%
13 1676 0.02%
14 1534 0.02%
15 1476 0.02%
16 1392 0.02%
17 1390 0.02%
18 1354 0.01%
19 1240 0.01%
20 1222 0.01%
21 1190 0.01%
22 1170 0.01%
23 1128 0.01%
24 1056 0.01%
25 1050 0.01%
26 974 0.01%
27 974 0.01%
28 934 0.01%
29 930 0.01%
30 920 0.01%

Top 20 of 207 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 370 25.87% {keywords} inurl:htm
2 56 3.92%
3 40 2.80%
4 40 2.80%
5 26 1.82%
6 26 1.82%
7 24 1.68%
8 22 1.54%
9 22 1.54%
10 20 1.40%
11 20 1.40%
12 18 1.26%
13 18 1.26%
14 16 1.12%
15 16 1.12%
16 16 1.12%
17 16 1.12%
18 16 1.12%
19 14 0.98%
20 14 0.98%

Top 15 of 3343 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 4225210 45.88% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
2 3182982 34.56% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +
3 697256 7.57% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
4 419042 4.55% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
5 158236 1.72% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
6 131764 1.43% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/128.0.6613.137 Mobile
7 30854 0.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/128.0.6613.113 Mobile
8 25398 0.28% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
9 24830 0.27% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; ImagesiftBot;
10 24670 0.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
11 18466 0.20% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
12 17838 0.19% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.6 Mobile/15E148
13 15846 0.17% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4 Safari/605.1.15 (Appleb
14 13122 0.14% Googlebot-Image/1.0
15 11466 0.12% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+

Usage by Country for September 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 9209192 100.00% 9012260 100.00% 217112451 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23