Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2024
Generated 01-Sep-2024 03:55 CST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2024
Total Hits 260266
Total Files 11444
Total Pages 254280
Total Visits 10212
Total KBytes 365118
Total Unique Sites 1488
Total Unique URLs 562
Total Unique Referrers 232
Total Unique User Agents 463
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 349 4708
Hits per Day 8395 62914
Files per Day 369 1216
Pages per Day 8202 62754
Sites per Day 48 217
Visits per Day 329 550
KBytes per Day 11778 43537
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 4.40% 11444
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.06% 152
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.01% 22
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.02% 48
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.05% 120
Code 404 - Not Found 95.47% 248480

Daily usage for August 2024

Daily Statistics for August 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 3042 1.17% 622 5.44% 2872 1.13% 470 4.60% 139 9.34% 23642 6.48%
2 2606 1.00% 126 1.10% 2488 0.98% 202 1.98% 111 7.46% 4517 1.24%
3 13168 5.06% 220 1.92% 13052 5.13% 166 1.63% 108 7.26% 9579 2.62%
4 1726 0.66% 280 2.45% 1596 0.63% 271 2.65% 133 8.94% 4234 1.16%
5 3632 1.40% 158 1.38% 3450 1.36% 282 2.76% 119 8.00% 4025 1.10%
6 2674 1.03% 504 4.40% 2526 0.99% 449 4.40% 176 11.83% 14886 4.08%
7 3508 1.35% 538 4.70% 3248 1.28% 319 3.12% 173 11.63% 11676 3.20%
8 3510 1.35% 142 1.24% 3324 1.31% 290 2.84% 144 9.68% 12383 3.39%
9 3044 1.17% 338 2.95% 2868 1.13% 408 4.00% 191 12.84% 5404 1.48%
10 3652 1.40% 92 0.80% 3370 1.33% 323 3.16% 137 9.21% 2540 0.70%
11 1816 0.70% 286 2.50% 1674 0.66% 366 3.58% 181 12.16% 8429 2.31%
12 2112 0.81% 834 7.29% 1992 0.78% 524 5.13% 169 11.36% 13432 3.68%
13 1610 0.62% 80 0.70% 1504 0.59% 273 2.67% 129 8.67% 2081 0.57%
14 1076 0.41% 84 0.73% 984 0.39% 257 2.52% 145 9.74% 2356 0.65%
15 2194 0.84% 169 1.48% 2111 0.83% 301 2.95% 147 9.88% 2514 0.69%
16 2950 1.13% 367 3.21% 2623 1.03% 332 3.25% 167 11.22% 9822 2.69%
17 5706 2.19% 408 3.57% 5468 2.15% 431 4.22% 217 14.58% 10178 2.79%
18 5682 2.18% 484 4.23% 5250 2.06% 358 3.51% 165 11.09% 24063 6.59%
19 8488 3.26% 228 1.99% 8324 3.27% 359 3.52% 199 13.37% 6424 1.76%
20 18642 7.16% 174 1.52% 18488 7.27% 395 3.87% 202 13.58% 12239 3.35%
21 62914 24.17% 164 1.43% 62754 24.68% 331 3.24% 136 9.14% 37925 10.39%
22 54120 20.79% 1148 10.03% 53918 21.20% 550 5.39% 152 10.22% 36471 9.99%
23 6764 2.60% 552 4.82% 6588 2.59% 389 3.81% 161 10.82% 7067 1.94%
24 11368 4.37% 112 0.98% 11194 4.40% 176 1.72% 124 8.33% 7332 2.01%
25 6988 2.68% 250 2.18% 6870 2.70% 278 2.72% 129 8.67% 6266 1.72%
26 1132 0.43% 152 1.33% 884 0.35% 135 1.32% 103 6.92% 2530 0.69%
27 2382 0.92% 1216 10.63% 1752 0.69% 362 3.54% 174 11.69% 43537 11.92%
28 2098 0.81% 1194 10.43% 1910 0.75% 500 4.90% 158 10.62% 19158 5.25%
29 928 0.36% 160 1.40% 826 0.32% 165 1.62% 108 7.26% 2483 0.68%
30 5202 2.00% 234 2.04% 5108 2.01% 359 3.52% 154 10.35% 7460 2.04%
31 15532 5.97% 128 1.12% 15264 6.00% 339 3.32% 138 9.27% 10466 2.87%

Hourly usage for August 2024

Hourly Statistics for August 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 346 10756 4.13% 13 415 3.63% 340 10549 4.15% 358 11103 3.04%
1 451 13992 5.38% 13 412 3.60% 446 13826 5.44% 445 13791 3.78%
2 509 15804 6.07% 14 448 3.91% 497 15430 6.07% 481 14910 4.08%
3 376 11658 4.48% 11 352 3.08% 370 11478 4.51% 311 9640 2.64%
4 410 12718 4.89% 13 432 3.77% 404 12552 4.94% 410 12715 3.48%
5 449 13928 5.35% 14 462 4.04% 443 13750 5.41% 604 18724 5.13%
6 426 13224 5.08% 15 468 4.09% 420 13024 5.12% 368 11411 3.13%
7 338 10494 4.03% 14 448 3.91% 332 10296 4.05% 346 10727 2.94%
8 240 7452 2.86% 12 386 3.37% 234 7270 2.86% 369 11444 3.13%
9 308 9560 3.67% 8 278 2.43% 303 9418 3.70% 323 10016 2.74%
10 378 11730 4.51% 11 364 3.18% 371 11518 4.53% 456 14150 3.88%
11 541 16800 6.45% 18 582 5.09% 530 16448 6.47% 855 26505 7.26%
12 377 11700 4.50% 12 390 3.41% 371 11526 4.53% 351 10872 2.98%
13 333 10336 3.97% 14 448 3.91% 327 10148 3.99% 345 10695 2.93%
14 290 9010 3.46% 14 452 3.95% 280 8706 3.42% 363 11260 3.08%
15 313 9704 3.73% 26 814 7.11% 291 9048 3.56% 1162 36018 9.86%
16 306 9510 3.65% 16 506 4.42% 294 9142 3.60% 580 17966 4.92%
17 339 10524 4.04% 13 412 3.60% 333 10330 4.06% 318 9863 2.70%
18 315 9784 3.76% 15 470 4.11% 308 9570 3.76% 490 15204 4.16%
19 259 8058 3.10% 14 464 4.05% 252 7834 3.08% 467 14462 3.96%
20 295 9152 3.52% 23 742 6.48% 280 8698 3.42% 855 26493 7.26%
21 254 7898 3.03% 14 450 3.93% 247 7676 3.02% 710 21999 6.03%
22 212 6575 2.53% 16 498 4.35% 206 6408 2.52% 289 8965 2.46%
23 319 9899 3.80% 24 751 6.56% 310 9635 3.79% 522 16184 4.43%

Top 30 of 562 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 7176 2.76% 119291 32.67% /cgi-bin/gbook.cgi
2 706 0.27% 1700 0.47% /
3 236 0.09% 2909 0.80% /Style/fancy.css
4 130 0.05% 365 0.10% /index_new.html
5 106 0.04% 199 0.05% /basic.xsl
6 98 0.04% 154 0.04% /History/
7 68 0.03% 365 0.10% /Articles/School/wu1.html
8 66 0.03% 284 0.08% /History/history1.html
9 50 0.02% 48 0.01% /Church/
10 50 0.02% 256 0.07% /Others/
11 48 0.02% 210 0.06% /Articles/School/hung1.html
12 48 0.02% 61 0.02% /Emigration/
13 44 0.02% 106 0.03% /External/read.xsl
14 44 0.02% 104 0.03% /Photo/
15 42 0.02% 103 0.03% /Articles/
16 42 0.02% 424 0.12% /External/bible.html
17 38 0.01% 55 0.02% /Together/
18 26 0.01% 8 0.00% /Praise/
19 22 0.01% 62 0.02% /History/priest1.xml
20 22 0.01% 35 0.01% /History/table1.xsl
21 22 0.01% 174 0.05% /News/
22 20 0.01% 98 0.03% /Church/2005_1.html
23 18 0.01% 66 0.02% /Emigration/history.html
24 18 0.01% 68 0.02% /Photo/2005/
25 16 0.01% 350 0.10% /Church/2005_3.html
26 16 0.01% 2 0.00% /External/bible.xml
27 16 0.01% 51 0.01% /History/name1.html
28 16 0.01% 121 0.03% /Photo/2004/
29 14 0.01% 75 0.02% /Articles/Children/pray.xml
30 14 0.01% 19 0.01% /Articles/School/huang1.xml

Top 10 of 562 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 7176 2.76% 119291 32.67% /cgi-bin/gbook.cgi
2 236 0.09% 2909 0.80% /Style/fancy.css
3 14 0.01% 2448 0.67% /Temp/fychurch.pdf
4 706 0.27% 1700 0.47% /
5 6 0.00% 572 0.16% /News/table.pdf
6 8 0.00% 570 0.16% /News/table1.pdf
7 10 0.00% 511 0.14% /Church/2005_2.html
8 42 0.02% 424 0.12% /External/bible.html
9 130 0.05% 365 0.10% /index_new.html
10 68 0.03% 365 0.10% /Articles/School/wu1.html

Top 10 of 50 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 7176 2.76% 2536 81.81% /cgi-bin/gbook.cgi
2 706 0.27% 200 6.45% /
3 130 0.05% 52 1.68% /index_new.html
4 66 0.03% 27 0.87% /History/history1.html
5 68 0.03% 24 0.77% /Articles/School/wu1.html
6 48 0.02% 18 0.58% /Articles/School/hung1.html
7 48 0.02% 17 0.55% /Emigration/
8 98 0.04% 17 0.55% /History/
9 50 0.02% 17 0.55% /Others/
10 26 0.01% 16 0.52% /Praise/

Top 10 of 48 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 7176 2.76% 2539 81.90% /cgi-bin/gbook.cgi
2 706 0.27% 196 6.32% /
3 130 0.05% 50 1.61% /index_new.html
4 68 0.03% 24 0.77% /Articles/School/wu1.html
5 66 0.03% 24 0.77% /History/history1.html
6 98 0.04% 17 0.55% /History/
7 48 0.02% 16 0.52% /Emigration/
8 50 0.02% 16 0.52% /Others/
9 26 0.01% 16 0.52% /Praise/
10 48 0.02% 15 0.48% /Articles/School/hung1.html

Top 30 of 1488 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 39912 15.34% 44 0.38% 23280 6.38% 112 1.10%
2 35680 13.71% 34 0.30% 20887 5.72% 121 1.18%
3 22792 8.76% 22 0.19% 12860 3.52% 139 1.36%
4 21874 8.40% 28 0.24% 13131 3.60% 206 2.02%
5 20274 7.79% 66 0.58% 11930 3.27% 192 1.88%
6 20208 7.76% 36 0.31% 13121 3.59% 137 1.34%
7 5536 2.13% 30 0.26% 3841 1.05% 119 1.17%
8 5252 2.02% 24 0.21% 3409 0.93% 108 1.06%
9 5118 1.97% 34 0.30% 3359 0.92% 201 1.97%
10 4788 1.84% 28 0.24% 2981 0.82% 122 1.19%
11 4728 1.82% 32 0.28% 3573 0.98% 202 1.98%
12 4608 1.77% 16 0.14% 3313 0.91% 99 0.97%
13 4082 1.57% 24 0.21% 2996 0.82% 132 1.29%
14 2920 1.12% 4 0.03% 2025 0.55% 58 0.57%
15 2878 1.11% 0 0.00% 1605 0.44% 51 0.50%
16 2678 1.03% 18 0.16% 2399 0.66% 205 2.01%
17 2650 1.02% 6 0.05% 1615 0.44% 155 1.52%
18 2552 0.98% 14 0.12% 1741 0.48% 151 1.48%
19 2358 0.91% 30 0.26% 2068 0.57% 217 2.12%
20 2354 0.90% 8 0.07% 1329 0.36% 129 1.26%
21 2344 0.90% 2 0.02% 1556 0.43% 47 0.46%
22 2302 0.88% 20 0.17% 1531 0.42% 35 0.34%
23 2212 0.85% 4 0.03% 1490 0.41% 57 0.56%
24 1902 0.73% 2 0.02% 1290 0.35% 8 0.08%
25 1640 0.63% 12 0.10% 1161 0.32% 112 1.10%
26 1580 0.61% 14 0.12% 1178 0.32% 114 1.12%
27 1500 0.58% 28 0.24% 1331 0.36% 168 1.65%
28 1246 0.48% 10 0.09% 937 0.26% 169 1.65%
29 1088 0.42% 2 0.02% 614 0.17% 23 0.23%
30 942 0.36% 10 0.09% 577 0.16% 140 1.37%

Top 10 of 1488 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 564 0.22% 562 4.91% 31083 8.51% 4 0.04%
2 39912 15.34% 44 0.38% 23280 6.38% 112 1.10%
3 35680 13.71% 34 0.30% 20887 5.72% 121 1.18%
4 21874 8.40% 28 0.24% 13131 3.60% 206 2.02%
5 20208 7.76% 36 0.31% 13121 3.59% 137 1.34%
6 22792 8.76% 22 0.19% 12860 3.52% 139 1.36%
7 20274 7.79% 66 0.58% 11930 3.27% 192 1.88%
8 68 0.03% 24 0.21% 9347 2.56% 25 0.24%
9 104 0.04% 98 0.86% 8578 2.35% 2 0.02%
10 150 0.06% 138 1.21% 6853 1.88% 48 0.47%

Top 30 of 232 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 256822 98.68% - (Direct Request)
2 866 0.33%
3 152 0.06%
4 148 0.06%
5 118 0.05%
6 116 0.04%
7 108 0.04%
8 102 0.04%
9 94 0.04%
10 90 0.03%
11 74 0.03%
12 74 0.03%
13 68 0.03%
14 66 0.03%
15 62 0.02%
16 58 0.02%
17 56 0.02%
18 50 0.02%
19 44 0.02%
20 40 0.02%
21 38 0.01%
22 30 0.01%
23 28 0.01%
24 26 0.01%
25 24 0.01%
26 20 0.01%
27 18 0.01%
28 18 0.01%
29 16 0.01%
30 14 0.01%

Top 3 of 3 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 4 50.00%
2 2 25.00%
3 2 25.00%

Top 15 of 463 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 198174 76.14% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/127.0.6533.119 Mobile
2 29398 11.30% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/126.0.6478.182 Mobile
3 11276 4.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/127.0.6533.99 Mobile
4 6390 2.46% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
5 4516 1.74% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
6 908 0.35% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
7 890 0.34% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
8 706 0.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.3.1 Safari/605.1.15
9 654 0.25% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
10 486 0.19% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.0; +
11 436 0.17% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
12 396 0.15% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
13 276 0.11% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
14 256 0.10% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
15 234 0.09% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for August 2024

Top 19 of 19 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 253828 97.53% 8552 74.73% 283325 77.60% Commercial (com)
2 3686 1.42% 892 7.79% 17370 4.76% Unresolved/Unknown
3 2172 0.83% 1756 15.34% 61033 16.72% Network (net)
4 170 0.07% 114 1.00% 566 0.16% Germany
5 136 0.05% 106 0.93% 1613 0.44% Taiwan
6 130 0.05% 88 0.77% 732 0.20% France
7 34 0.01% 28 0.24% 344 0.09% New Zealand
8 32 0.01% 14 0.12% 23 0.01% Finland
9 28 0.01% 24 0.21% 62 0.02% Non-Profit (org)
10 24 0.01% 8 0.07% 23 0.01% Russian Federation
11 6 0.00% 6 0.05% 15 0.00% United States
12 4 0.00% 2 0.02% 0 0.00% Brazil
13 4 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 0.00% India
14 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Australia
15 2 0.00% 2 0.02% 0 0.00% Denmark
16 2 0.00% 2 0.02% 5 0.00% Ecuador
17 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% British Indian Ocean Territory
18 2 0.00% 2 0.02% 5 0.00% Mexico
19 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Netherlands

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23