Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2024
Generated 01-Jul-2024 02:32 CST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2024
Total Hits 368020
Total Files 44014
Total Pages 342632
Total Visits 21886
Total KBytes 4301861
Total Unique Sites 4486
Total Unique URLs 1727
Total Unique Referrers 1090
Total Unique Usernames 2
Total Unique User Agents 2587
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 511 2582
Hits per Day 12267 18074
Files per Day 1467 2998
Pages per Day 11421 16972
Sites per Day 149 472
Visits per Day 729 995
KBytes per Day 143395 1042779
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 10
Code 200 - OK 11.96% 44014
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 8
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 2
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.16% 590
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 4
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 10
Code 404 - Not Found 87.84% 323264
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.03% 116
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 0.00% 2

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Statistics for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 16692 4.54% 1162 2.64% 15782 4.61% 760 3.47% 407 9.07% 122517 2.85%
2 16594 4.51% 884 2.01% 15816 4.62% 770 3.52% 377 8.40% 24790 0.58%
3 16696 4.54% 1008 2.29% 16058 4.69% 712 3.25% 383 8.54% 99417 2.31%
4 16974 4.61% 1144 2.60% 15988 4.67% 796 3.64% 472 10.52% 36723 0.85%
5 9748 2.65% 2584 5.87% 8944 2.61% 989 4.52% 356 7.94% 45935 1.07%
6 2748 0.75% 1042 2.37% 2096 0.61% 603 2.76% 365 8.14% 34309 0.80%
7 15132 4.11% 1486 3.38% 13938 4.07% 652 2.98% 332 7.40% 1034553 24.05%
8 16336 4.44% 940 2.14% 15498 4.52% 641 2.93% 338 7.53% 20878 0.49%
9 17964 4.88% 1970 4.48% 16672 4.87% 665 3.04% 322 7.18% 70212 1.63%
10 16294 4.43% 2686 6.10% 14314 4.18% 715 3.27% 342 7.62% 48501 1.13%
11 3920 1.07% 1428 3.24% 3090 0.90% 663 3.03% 366 8.16% 83710 1.95%
12 8836 2.40% 854 1.94% 8182 2.39% 586 2.68% 385 8.58% 15701 0.36%
13 18074 4.91% 2998 6.81% 16972 4.95% 613 2.80% 328 7.31% 886084 20.60%
14 15854 4.31% 1030 2.34% 14946 4.36% 573 2.62% 292 6.51% 17802 0.41%
15 17474 4.75% 1318 2.99% 15928 4.65% 599 2.74% 347 7.74% 70144 1.63%
16 8070 2.19% 2704 6.14% 7434 2.17% 946 4.32% 307 6.84% 28210 0.66%
17 2026 0.55% 998 2.27% 1330 0.39% 401 1.83% 260 5.80% 27725 0.64%
18 16366 4.45% 1520 3.45% 15562 4.54% 899 4.11% 445 9.92% 46816 1.09%
19 16886 4.59% 1200 2.73% 16368 4.78% 799 3.65% 393 8.76% 21596 0.50%
20 17836 4.85% 1720 3.91% 16814 4.91% 763 3.49% 390 8.69% 1042779 24.24%
21 15966 4.34% 1024 2.33% 15360 4.48% 694 3.17% 338 7.53% 20065 0.47%
22 8838 2.40% 1212 2.75% 8240 2.40% 992 4.53% 449 10.01% 11576 0.27%
23 2944 0.80% 980 2.23% 2238 0.65% 812 3.71% 447 9.96% 25794 0.60%
24 13676 3.72% 1776 4.04% 12892 3.76% 995 4.55% 432 9.63% 45465 1.06%
25 16248 4.41% 2152 4.89% 15664 4.57% 885 4.04% 422 9.41% 45168 1.05%
26 13790 3.75% 1256 2.85% 12784 3.73% 926 4.23% 415 9.25% 17449 0.41%
27 11128 3.02% 1236 2.81% 10542 3.08% 786 3.59% 265 5.91% 9872 0.23%
28 6284 1.71% 1626 3.69% 5664 1.65% 892 4.08% 345 7.69% 30692 0.71%
29 2184 0.59% 1064 2.42% 1756 0.51% 477 2.18% 290 6.46% 17273 0.40%
30 6442 1.75% 1012 2.30% 5760 1.68% 936 4.28% 312 6.95% 300107 6.98%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Statistics for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 470 14110 3.83% 41 1234 2.80% 445 13360 3.90% 723 21683 0.50%
1 491 14750 4.01% 37 1124 2.55% 467 14020 4.09% 2694 80828 1.88%
2 487 14634 3.98% 37 1138 2.59% 463 13906 4.06% 1135 34064 0.79%
3 497 14912 4.05% 36 1094 2.49% 474 14248 4.16% 959 28763 0.67%
4 512 15372 4.18% 40 1206 2.74% 487 14620 4.27% 12125 363753 8.46%
5 536 16094 4.37% 39 1170 2.66% 497 14926 4.36% 4619 138558 3.22%
6 525 15770 4.29% 39 1196 2.72% 504 15126 4.41% 19492 584764 13.59%
7 528 15844 4.31% 55 1652 3.75% 495 14874 4.34% 1354 40619 0.94%
8 513 15408 4.19% 50 1526 3.47% 484 14538 4.24% 3566 106990 2.49%
9 519 15588 4.24% 64 1926 4.38% 480 14420 4.21% 1472 44166 1.03%
10 509 15296 4.16% 79 2370 5.38% 465 13968 4.08% 1387 41623 0.97%
11 497 14930 4.06% 73 2210 5.02% 455 13678 3.99% 12958 388726 9.04%
12 502 15060 4.09% 72 2170 4.93% 465 13950 4.07% 1450 43489 1.01%
13 509 15290 4.15% 58 1742 3.96% 481 14430 4.21% 50468 1514038 35.19%
14 538 16160 4.39% 84 2528 5.74% 488 14652 4.28% 2895 86843 2.02%
15 533 16018 4.35% 82 2460 5.59% 486 14608 4.26% 1861 55825 1.30%
16 584 17538 4.77% 137 4124 9.37% 530 15910 4.64% 3805 114145 2.65%
17 495 14864 4.04% 52 1578 3.59% 462 13866 4.05% 1265 37959 0.88%
18 492 14770 4.01% 64 1926 4.38% 460 13828 4.04% 1757 52713 1.23%
19 485 14562 3.96% 61 1854 4.21% 448 13464 3.93% 10532 315963 7.34%
20 499 14972 4.07% 68 2046 4.65% 465 13964 4.08% 1417 42500 0.99%
21 564 16924 4.60% 69 2094 4.76% 517 15518 4.53% 2022 60660 1.41%
22 489 14674 3.99% 58 1764 4.01% 450 13524 3.95% 2188 65637 1.53%
23 482 14480 3.93% 62 1882 4.28% 441 13234 3.86% 1252 37551 0.87%

Top 30 of 1727 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 9166 2.49% 1400 0.03% /cgi-bin/gbook.cgi
2 1180 0.32% 30446 0.71% /
3 412 0.11% 3942 0.09% /speech/chronicles-1/recollection/A-31.htm
4 396 0.11% 431 0.01% /text.css
5 338 0.09% 5436 0.13% /speech/phili/20.htm
6 294 0.08% 3230 0.08% /flower/first1.htm
7 260 0.07% 11101 0.26% /speech/speech_main.htm
8 256 0.07% 2900 0.07% /speech/matthew/recollection/001.htm
9 246 0.07% 2870 0.07% /speech/phili/05.htm
10 198 0.05% 4227 0.10% /speech/heb/heb_5.htm
11 198 0.05% 2566 0.06% /speech/phili/19.htm
12 186 0.05% 4723 0.11% /speech/rome/20051023.htm
13 166 0.05% 1893 0.04% /speech/phili/18.htm
14 152 0.04% 130 0.00% /rules.htm
15 150 0.04% 1734 0.04% /speech/phili/04.htm
16 140 0.04% 1565 0.04% /speech/phili/21.htm
17 140 0.04% 3507 0.08% /speech/rome/20060212.htm
18 120 0.03% 1119 0.03% /speech/phili/24.htm
19 116 0.03% 513 0.01% /speech/phili/11.htm
20 116 0.03% 2318 0.05% /speech/thes/0812.htm
21 110 0.03% 289 0.01% /cgi-bin/rogbook.cgi
22 110 0.03% 11233 0.26% /thesis/0001.htm
23 108 0.03% 1222 0.03% /speech/phili/17.htm
24 106 0.03% 55 0.00% /speech/speech.htm
25 104 0.03% 867 0.02% /speech/phili/10.htm
26 100 0.03% 2201 0.05% /speech/another/20070107.htm
27 100 0.03% 3832 0.09% /study/1cor_cat.htm
28 98 0.03% 1139 0.03% /speech/phili/12.htm
29 96 0.03% 3522 0.08% /speech/rome/20040222.htm
30 92 0.02% 1331 0.03% /speech/another/19980215.htm

Top 10 of 1727 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 26 0.01% 1334504 31.02% /pd40/20051113.wmv
2 8 0.00% 156842 3.65% /21years/0007.wmv
3 14 0.00% 130965 3.04% /pd40/006-1.wmv
4 12 0.00% 119729 2.78% /pd40/009-1.wmv
5 4 0.00% 117543 2.73% /childchoir.files/20061216_2.wmv
6 4 0.00% 115226 2.68% /childchoir.files/20061216_1.wmv
7 12 0.00% 106328 2.47% /pd40/004-1.wmv
8 6 0.00% 99657 2.32% /childchoir.files/20061216_3.wmv
9 10 0.00% 84842 1.97% /pd40/007-1.wmv
10 14 0.00% 82532 1.92% /pd40/002-1.wmv

Top 10 of 803 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 9166 2.49% 2111 28.29% /cgi-bin/gbook.cgi
2 1180 0.32% 395 5.29% /
3 412 0.11% 182 2.44% /speech/chronicles-1/recollection/A-31.htm
4 338 0.09% 142 1.90% /speech/phili/20.htm
5 294 0.08% 132 1.77% /flower/first1.htm
6 256 0.07% 108 1.45% /speech/matthew/recollection/001.htm
7 198 0.05% 81 1.09% /speech/phili/19.htm
8 260 0.07% 75 1.01% /speech/speech_main.htm
9 186 0.05% 74 0.99% /speech/rome/20051023.htm
10 198 0.05% 69 0.92% /speech/heb/heb_5.htm

Top 10 of 805 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 9166 2.49% 2217 29.23% /cgi-bin/gbook.cgi
2 1180 0.32% 361 4.76% /
3 412 0.11% 185 2.44% /speech/chronicles-1/recollection/A-31.htm
4 338 0.09% 149 1.96% /speech/phili/20.htm
5 294 0.08% 130 1.71% /flower/first1.htm
6 256 0.07% 107 1.41% /speech/matthew/recollection/001.htm
7 198 0.05% 81 1.07% /speech/phili/19.htm
8 198 0.05% 78 1.03% /speech/heb/heb_5.htm
9 186 0.05% 77 1.02% /speech/rome/20051023.htm
10 246 0.07% 61 0.80% /speech/phili/05.htm

Top 30 of 4486 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 7882 2.14% 214 0.49% 1381 0.03% 147 0.67%
2 7878 2.14% 240 0.55% 907 0.02% 167 0.76%
3 7830 2.13% 214 0.49% 1343 0.03% 165 0.75%
4 7758 2.11% 196 0.45% 1285 0.03% 151 0.69%
5 7740 2.10% 206 0.47% 1250 0.03% 167 0.76%
6 7540 2.05% 232 0.53% 1346 0.03% 168 0.77%
7 7530 2.05% 274 0.62% 1674 0.04% 174 0.80%
8 7502 2.04% 236 0.54% 2592 0.06% 171 0.78%
9 7462 2.03% 246 0.56% 1467 0.03% 183 0.84%
10 7412 2.01% 226 0.51% 1761 0.04% 176 0.80%
11 7394 2.01% 222 0.50% 2287 0.05% 164 0.75%
12 7378 2.00% 218 0.50% 1536 0.04% 187 0.85%
13 7360 2.00% 222 0.50% 1295 0.03% 178 0.81%
14 7344 2.00% 232 0.53% 2242 0.05% 166 0.76%
15 7304 1.98% 210 0.48% 1196 0.03% 177 0.81%
16 7292 1.98% 200 0.45% 1348 0.03% 182 0.83%
17 7264 1.97% 230 0.52% 1595 0.04% 156 0.71%
18 7250 1.97% 250 0.57% 1306 0.03% 162 0.74%
19 7246 1.97% 216 0.49% 1330 0.03% 168 0.77%
20 7242 1.97% 218 0.50% 1053 0.02% 188 0.86%
21 7242 1.97% 192 0.44% 1218 0.03% 174 0.80%
22 7226 1.96% 226 0.51% 657 0.02% 166 0.76%
23 7222 1.96% 216 0.49% 1288 0.03% 180 0.82%
24 7218 1.96% 184 0.42% 1567 0.04% 157 0.72%
25 7198 1.96% 216 0.49% 1533 0.04% 171 0.78%
26 7194 1.95% 222 0.50% 1450 0.03% 157 0.72%
27 7182 1.95% 234 0.53% 1875 0.04% 183 0.84%
28 7180 1.95% 198 0.45% 1628 0.04% 191 0.87%
29 7178 1.95% 198 0.45% 1216 0.03% 164 0.75%
30 7178 1.95% 238 0.54% 1335 0.03% 167 0.76%

Top 10 of 4486 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 594 0.16% 126 0.29% 988841 22.99% 1 0.00%
2 166 0.05% 154 0.35% 336633 7.83% 2 0.01%
3 4 0.00% 2 0.00% 335387 7.80% 0 0.00%
4 98 0.03% 96 0.22% 283821 6.60% 1 0.00%
5 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 117340 2.73% 0 0.00%
6 4 0.00% 4 0.01% 115049 2.67% 1 0.00%
7 4 0.00% 4 0.01% 111408 2.59% 0 0.00%
8 6 0.00% 6 0.01% 84151 1.96% 1 0.00%
9 236 0.06% 232 0.53% 77545 1.80% 31 0.14%
10 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 76016 1.77% 0 0.00%

Top 30 of 1090 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 345088 93.77% - (Direct Request)
2 3546 0.96%
3 2896 0.79%
4 2518 0.68%
5 1180 0.32%
6 804 0.22%
7 696 0.19%
8 696 0.19%
9 502 0.14%
10 408 0.11%
11 308 0.08%
12 304 0.08%
13 270 0.07%
14 250 0.07%
15 186 0.05%
16 186 0.05%
17 152 0.04%
18 132 0.04%
19 124 0.03%
20 120 0.03%
21 118 0.03%
22 118 0.03%
23 114 0.03%
24 108 0.03%
25 104 0.03%
26 96 0.03%
27 94 0.03%
28 88 0.02%
29 82 0.02%
30 78 0.02%

Top 20 of 75 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 30 9.80%
2 22 7.19%
3 18 5.88%
4 8 2.61%
5 8 2.61%
6 8 2.61%
7 8 2.61%
8 8 2.61%
9 8 2.61%
10 8 2.61%
11 8 2.61%
12 6 1.96%
13 6 1.96%
14 6 1.96%
15 6 1.96%
16 6 1.96%
17 4 1.31%
18 4 1.31%
19 4 1.31%
20 4 1.31%

Top 2 of 2 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 53 0.00% 1 0.00% guest
2 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 53 0.00% 1 0.00% root

Top 15 of 2587 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 284910 77.42% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
2 27894 7.58% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
3 3994 1.09% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
4 3344 0.91% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.0; +
5 2996 0.81% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
6 2914 0.79% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
7 2618 0.71% Googlebot-Image/1.0
8 1930 0.52% serpstatbot/2.1 (advanced backlink tracking bot;;
9 1800 0.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DataForSeoBot/1.0; +
10 1784 0.48% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
11 1602 0.44% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/125.0.6422.175 Mobile
12 1346 0.37% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.5 Mobile/15E148
13 1174 0.32% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
14 1150 0.31% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1)
15 1006 0.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 28 of 28 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 341280 92.73% 29620 67.30% 1915740 44.53% Commercial (com)
2 12644 3.44% 4156 9.44% 114275 2.66% Unresolved/Unknown
3 9448 2.57% 6810 15.47% 1597893 37.14% Network (net)
4 1990 0.54% 1582 3.59% 30833 0.72% Germany
5 1538 0.42% 1112 2.53% 349393 8.12% Taiwan
6 228 0.06% 214 0.49% 2284 0.05% France
7 204 0.06% 148 0.34% 284667 6.62% Singapore
8 168 0.05% 84 0.19% 1249 0.03% Australia
9 152 0.04% 136 0.31% 1189 0.03% Netherlands
10 84 0.02% 46 0.10% 1202 0.03% Hong Kong
11 46 0.01% 20 0.05% 333 0.01% Canada
12 38 0.01% 20 0.05% 514 0.01% Malaysia
13 38 0.01% 6 0.01% 157 0.00% New Zealand
14 28 0.01% 4 0.01% 123 0.00% Japan
15 26 0.01% 4 0.01% 112 0.00% Ireland
16 24 0.01% 12 0.03% 217 0.01% United Kingdom
17 18 0.00% 14 0.03% 374 0.01% Non-Profit (org)
18 18 0.00% 12 0.03% 625 0.01% Argentina
19 12 0.00% 4 0.01% 72 0.00% Thailand
20 8 0.00% 4 0.01% 96 0.00% Indonesia
21 6 0.00% 2 0.00% 26 0.00% Brazil
22 6 0.00% 4 0.01% 296 0.01% Dominican Republic
23 4 0.00% 2 0.00% 37 0.00% Norway
24 4 0.00% 2 0.00% 44 0.00% South Africa
25 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 55 0.00% Belgium
26 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% India
27 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Russian Federation
28 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 53 0.00% United States

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23