Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 03:27 CST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 516480
Total Files 73386
Total Pages 385812
Total Visits 23144
Total KBytes 6771444
Total Unique Sites 6619
Total Unique URLs 2008
Total Unique Referrers 779
Total Unique User Agents 1371
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 694 82422
Hits per Day 16660 99998
Files per Day 2367 4584
Pages per Day 12445 20465
Sites per Day 213 725
Visits per Day 746 1143
KBytes per Day 218434 475678
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.04% 202
Code 200 - OK 14.21% 73386
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 24
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 20
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.13% 668
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 6
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.02% 86
Code 404 - Not Found 85.59% 442036
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.01% 48
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 0.00% 4

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 20004 3.87% 2538 3.46% 18238 4.73% 853 3.69% 436 6.59% 431667 6.37%
2 99998 19.36% 2348 3.20% 17204 4.46% 794 3.43% 510 7.71% 367917 5.43%
3 11108 2.15% 4584 6.25% 9452 2.45% 1088 4.70% 532 8.04% 262588 3.88%
4 4512 0.87% 2304 3.14% 2838 0.74% 651 2.81% 469 7.09% 354675 5.24%
5 17380 3.37% 1700 2.32% 15950 4.13% 787 3.40% 503 7.60% 153236 2.26%
6 17686 3.42% 2786 3.80% 15710 4.07% 715 3.09% 545 8.23% 154286 2.28%
7 16840 3.26% 1962 2.67% 15704 4.07% 673 2.91% 463 7.00% 401962 5.94%
8 17352 3.36% 2354 3.21% 15838 4.11% 740 3.20% 477 7.21% 274008 4.05%
9 12566 2.43% 2192 2.99% 11398 2.95% 1009 4.36% 465 7.03% 474510 7.01%
10 16100 3.12% 2794 3.81% 14848 3.85% 808 3.49% 426 6.44% 447322 6.61%
11 18158 3.52% 3061 4.17% 15998 4.15% 846 3.66% 428 6.47% 344033 5.08%
12 9081 1.76% 938 1.28% 8325 2.16% 658 2.84% 362 5.47% 152374 2.25%
13 22997 4.45% 3173 4.32% 20465 5.30% 954 4.12% 553 8.35% 240144 3.55%
14 4956 0.96% 2996 4.08% 3694 0.96% 839 3.63% 431 6.51% 122374 1.81%
15 5063 0.98% 955 1.30% 4269 1.11% 616 2.66% 442 6.68% 155523 2.30%
16 22499 4.36% 3291 4.48% 19743 5.12% 998 4.31% 725 10.95% 357321 5.28%
17 17746 3.44% 2198 3.00% 15714 4.07% 727 3.14% 412 6.22% 475678 7.02%
18 17160 3.32% 2156 2.94% 15456 4.01% 732 3.16% 441 6.66% 288599 4.26%
19 5534 1.07% 2792 3.80% 3048 0.79% 796 3.44% 400 6.04% 113390 1.67%
20 6846 1.33% 2276 3.10% 4866 1.26% 476 2.06% 359 5.42% 161274 2.38%
21 18304 3.54% 2598 3.54% 16046 4.16% 661 2.86% 391 5.91% 123671 1.83%
22 18748 3.63% 3188 4.34% 16292 4.22% 700 3.02% 394 5.95% 134923 1.99%
23 16764 3.25% 1662 2.26% 15540 4.03% 707 3.05% 408 6.16% 87414 1.29%
24 7560 1.46% 3152 4.30% 6596 1.71% 1143 4.94% 464 7.01% 62978 0.93%
25 5686 1.10% 3690 5.03% 3960 1.03% 676 2.92% 513 7.75% 249245 3.68%
26 16562 3.21% 1490 2.03% 15382 3.99% 704 3.04% 402 6.07% 48346 0.71%
27 16892 3.27% 1838 2.50% 15410 3.99% 641 2.77% 365 5.51% 103162 1.52%
28 16844 3.26% 1760 2.40% 15394 3.99% 678 2.93% 400 6.04% 86684 1.28%
29 16312 3.16% 1334 1.82% 15332 3.97% 761 3.29% 441 6.66% 81633 1.21%
30 9432 1.83% 1998 2.72% 8262 2.14% 853 3.69% 442 6.68% 33524 0.50%
31 9790 1.90% 1278 1.74% 8840 2.29% 711 3.07% 416 6.28% 26983 0.40%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1005 31168 6.03% 139 4324 5.89% 912 28274 7.33% 20285 628827 9.29%
1 564 17508 3.39% 69 2166 2.95% 512 15889 4.12% 8527 264329 3.90%
2 600 18620 3.61% 72 2251 3.07% 540 16762 4.34% 10622 329295 4.86%
3 551 17085 3.31% 64 2003 2.73% 500 15507 4.02% 5302 164372 2.43%
4 551 17092 3.31% 78 2422 3.30% 493 15303 3.97% 6116 189601 2.80%
5 561 17398 3.37% 99 3097 4.22% 504 15638 4.05% 9234 286263 4.23%
6 518 16076 3.11% 67 2084 2.84% 476 14763 3.83% 8697 269602 3.98%
7 570 17689 3.42% 85 2638 3.59% 508 15752 4.08% 7634 236654 3.49%
8 535 16607 3.22% 84 2611 3.56% 477 14805 3.84% 7993 247779 3.66%
9 552 17134 3.32% 92 2882 3.93% 492 15269 3.96% 10383 321877 4.75%
10 571 17722 3.43% 112 3480 4.74% 494 15325 3.97% 8663 268548 3.97%
11 522 16205 3.14% 84 2611 3.56% 464 14406 3.73% 7987 247583 3.66%
12 569 17648 3.42% 117 3642 4.96% 491 15222 3.95% 6504 201631 2.98%
13 598 18551 3.59% 119 3710 5.06% 523 16214 4.20% 11907 369120 5.45%
14 573 17787 3.44% 100 3123 4.26% 509 15779 4.09% 7077 219395 3.24%
15 595 18447 3.57% 117 3654 4.98% 518 16077 4.17% 4998 154942 2.29%
16 607 18829 3.65% 130 4060 5.53% 534 16556 4.29% 6631 205549 3.04%
17 593 18412 3.56% 134 4173 5.69% 505 15683 4.06% 11377 352699 5.21%
18 554 17201 3.33% 78 2447 3.33% 497 15431 4.00% 7361 228177 3.37%
19 549 17044 3.30% 86 2667 3.63% 485 15046 3.90% 9634 298639 4.41%
20 557 17283 3.35% 101 3153 4.30% 489 15169 3.93% 8756 271447 4.01%
21 598 18538 3.59% 130 4046 5.51% 494 15314 3.97% 12290 380987 5.63%
22 3162 98039 18.98% 86 2671 3.64% 489 15175 3.93% 10184 315711 4.66%
23 593 18397 3.56% 111 3471 4.73% 530 16453 4.26% 10272 318417 4.70%

Top 30 of 2008 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 15692 3.04% 2369 0.03% /cgi-bin/gbook.cgi
2 1570 0.30% 40942 0.60% /
3 918 0.18% 10081 0.15% /speech/phili/05.htm
4 786 0.15% 673 0.01% /rules.htm
5 638 0.12% 698 0.01% /text.css
6 582 0.11% 558 0.01% /champ/champ.htm
7 556 0.11% 301 0.00% /adlink/ad.htm
8 460 0.09% 19668 0.29% /speech/speech_main.htm
9 450 0.09% 247 0.00% /speech/speech.htm
10 402 0.08% 3487 0.05% /speech/phili/23.htm
11 372 0.07% 360 0.01% /goodnews/goodnews.htm
12 366 0.07% 202 0.00% /photo/photo.htm
13 364 0.07% 1664 0.02% /photo/bird/swallow/swallow.htm
14 362 0.07% 200 0.00% /flower/flower.htm
15 360 0.07% 3832 0.06% /speech/phili/18.htm
16 358 0.07% 3446 0.05% /speech/chronicles-1/recollection/A-31.htm
17 346 0.07% 5971 0.09% /index_pd40.htm
18 326 0.06% 5148 0.08% /speech/phili/20.htm
19 296 0.06% 3360 0.05% /speech/matthew/recollection/001.htm
20 282 0.05% 3184 0.05% /flower/first1.htm
21 196 0.04% 109 0.00% /history/history.htm
22 174 0.03% 1594330 23.54% /20060708.wmv
23 168 0.03% 2010 0.03% /speech/phili/19.htm
24 156 0.03% 5713 0.08% /foods/foods_main.htm
25 144 0.03% 2989 0.04% /speech/heb/heb_5.htm
26 140 0.03% 3507 0.05% /speech/rome/20060212.htm
27 138 0.03% 3426 0.05% /speech/rome/20051023.htm
28 138 0.03% 2643 0.04% /speech/thes/0812.htm
29 134 0.03% 690 0.01% /speech/phili/11.htm
30 128 0.02% 1397 0.02% /speech/phili/04.htm

Top 10 of 2008 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 174 0.03% 1594330 23.54% /20060708.wmv
2 26 0.01% 252563 3.73% /pd40/002b-1.wmv
3 38 0.01% 250142 3.69% /pd40/20051113.wmv
4 20 0.00% 249254 3.68% /childchoir.files/20061216_2.wmv
5 18 0.00% 243325 3.59% /pd40/003b-1.wmv
6 14 0.00% 218575 3.23% /childchoir.files/20061216_1.wmv
7 20 0.00% 209153 3.09% /pd40/007-1.wmv
8 14 0.00% 207541 3.06% /childchoir.files/20061216_3.wmv
9 18 0.00% 206279 3.05% /pd40/009-1.wmv
10 22 0.00% 174993 2.58% /pd40/005-1.wmv

Top 10 of 888 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 15692 3.04% 3525 33.85% /cgi-bin/gbook.cgi
2 1570 0.30% 698 6.70% /
3 402 0.08% 187 1.80% /speech/phili/23.htm
4 358 0.07% 171 1.64% /speech/chronicles-1/recollection/A-31.htm
5 360 0.07% 164 1.57% /speech/phili/18.htm
6 918 0.18% 145 1.39% /speech/phili/05.htm
7 326 0.06% 143 1.37% /speech/phili/20.htm
8 296 0.06% 140 1.34% /speech/matthew/recollection/001.htm
9 282 0.05% 134 1.29% /flower/first1.htm
10 460 0.09% 106 1.02% /speech/speech_main.htm

Top 10 of 883 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 15692 3.04% 3554 34.02% /cgi-bin/gbook.cgi
2 1570 0.30% 590 5.65% /
3 402 0.08% 193 1.85% /speech/phili/23.htm
4 358 0.07% 174 1.67% /speech/chronicles-1/recollection/A-31.htm
5 360 0.07% 157 1.50% /speech/phili/18.htm
6 326 0.06% 145 1.39% /speech/phili/20.htm
7 918 0.18% 142 1.36% /speech/phili/05.htm
8 296 0.06% 139 1.33% /speech/matthew/recollection/001.htm
9 282 0.05% 134 1.28% /flower/first1.htm
10 460 0.09% 98 0.94% /speech/speech_main.htm

Top 30 of 6619 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 81394 15.76% 6 0.01% 45441 0.67% 1 0.00%
2 8868 1.72% 340 0.46% 1168 0.02% 161 0.70%
3 8744 1.69% 298 0.41% 954 0.01% 175 0.76%
4 8704 1.69% 326 0.44% 1130 0.02% 162 0.70%
5 8682 1.68% 332 0.45% 1220 0.02% 175 0.76%
6 8662 1.68% 302 0.41% 1097 0.02% 192 0.83%
7 8592 1.66% 278 0.38% 748 0.01% 162 0.70%
8 8586 1.66% 302 0.41% 1139 0.02% 167 0.72%
9 8554 1.66% 310 0.42% 1219 0.02% 183 0.79%
10 8526 1.65% 296 0.40% 684 0.01% 167 0.72%
11 8486 1.64% 270 0.37% 1643 0.02% 187 0.81%
12 8460 1.64% 356 0.49% 1127 0.02% 189 0.82%
13 8454 1.64% 322 0.44% 1022 0.02% 173 0.75%
14 8414 1.63% 370 0.50% 755 0.01% 174 0.75%
15 8414 1.63% 258 0.35% 674 0.01% 179 0.77%
16 8390 1.62% 340 0.46% 993 0.01% 186 0.80%
17 8388 1.62% 296 0.40% 1387 0.02% 186 0.80%
18 8308 1.61% 320 0.44% 2001 0.03% 189 0.82%
19 8302 1.61% 300 0.41% 907 0.01% 196 0.85%
20 8300 1.61% 302 0.41% 1075 0.02% 188 0.81%
21 8300 1.61% 302 0.41% 741 0.01% 182 0.79%
22 8294 1.61% 300 0.41% 1493 0.02% 198 0.86%
23 8278 1.60% 276 0.38% 1789 0.03% 195 0.84%
24 8262 1.60% 314 0.43% 1373 0.02% 182 0.79%
25 8196 1.59% 322 0.44% 1401 0.02% 185 0.80%
26 8140 1.58% 280 0.38% 934 0.01% 175 0.76%
27 8134 1.57% 274 0.37% 1577 0.02% 202 0.87%
28 8130 1.57% 270 0.37% 1186 0.02% 171 0.74%
29 8104 1.57% 316 0.43% 1025 0.02% 179 0.77%
30 8104 1.57% 278 0.38% 1041 0.02% 172 0.74%

Top 10 of 6619 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 788 0.15% 748 1.02% 386275 5.70% 93 0.40%
2 1018 0.20% 928 1.26% 376406 5.56% 129 0.56%
3 132 0.03% 128 0.17% 237323 3.50% 19 0.08%
4 186 0.04% 154 0.21% 215570 3.18% 29 0.13%
5 352 0.07% 322 0.44% 213572 3.15% 2 0.01%
6 180 0.03% 148 0.20% 186960 2.76% 25 0.11%
7 604 0.12% 474 0.65% 185896 2.75% 105 0.45%
8 206 0.04% 152 0.21% 165331 2.44% 36 0.16%
9 226 0.04% 170 0.23% 163211 2.41% 33 0.14%
10 156 0.03% 142 0.19% 150494 2.22% 24 0.10%

Top 30 of 779 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 492148 95.29% - (Direct Request)
2 4228 0.82%
3 2850 0.55%
4 2712 0.53%
5 722 0.14%
6 698 0.14%
7 668 0.13%
8 620 0.12%
9 506 0.10%
10 444 0.09%
11 418 0.08%
12 380 0.07%
13 304 0.06%
14 238 0.05%
15 228 0.04%
16 224 0.04%
17 212 0.04%
18 204 0.04%
19 202 0.04%
20 184 0.04%
21 168 0.03%
22 160 0.03%
23 154 0.03%
24 138 0.03%
25 132 0.03%
26 130 0.03%
27 114 0.02%
28 112 0.02%
29 112 0.02%
30 108 0.02%

Top 20 of 86 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 24 7.74%
2 22 7.10%
3 18 5.81%
4 18 5.81%
5 14 4.52%
6 12 3.87%
7 10 3.23%
8 6 1.94%
9 6 1.94%
10 6 1.94%
11 4 1.29%
12 4 1.29%
13 4 1.29%
14 4 1.29%
15 4 1.29%
16 4 1.29%
17 4 1.29%
18 4 1.29%
19 4 1.29%
20 4 1.29%

Top 15 of 1371 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 323622 62.66% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
2 81392 15.76% Mozilla/9.0 AppleWebKit/202110.05 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/20.21.1005.122 Safari/211.05
3 17008 3.29% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
4 15096 2.92% Go-http-client/1.1
5 13420 2.60% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.0; +
6 5034 0.97% Googlebot-Image/1.0
7 3766 0.73% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
8 3356 0.65% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
9 3238 0.63% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/601.2.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.1 Safari/601.2.4 facebook
10 2170 0.42% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4.1 Mobile/15E14
11 2056 0.40% Friendly_Crawler/Nutch-1.20-SNAPSHOT
12 1902 0.37% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
13 1870 0.36% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
14 1852 0.36% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
15 1698 0.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/125.0.6422.65 Mobile

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 30 of 34 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 372576 72.14% 38072 51.88% 4655761 68.76% Commercial (com)
2 81440 15.77% 6 0.01% 45443 0.67% European Union
3 40534 7.85% 18024 24.56% 1223623 18.07% Unresolved/Unknown
4 11400 2.21% 8242 11.23% 116587 1.72% Network (net)
5 7522 1.46% 7482 10.20% 700122 10.34% China
6 1416 0.27% 1020 1.39% 20335 0.30% Taiwan
7 568 0.11% 22 0.03% 877 0.01% Brazil
8 172 0.03% 100 0.14% 1186 0.02% Australia
9 168 0.03% 108 0.15% 1091 0.02% Germany
10 132 0.03% 68 0.09% 1273 0.02% Hong Kong
11 128 0.02% 48 0.07% 931 0.01% Singapore
12 114 0.02% 58 0.08% 977 0.01% Canada
13 104 0.02% 24 0.03% 878 0.01% New Zealand
14 58 0.01% 44 0.06% 222 0.00% Japan
15 34 0.01% 28 0.04% 718 0.01% Non-Profit (org)
16 18 0.00% 10 0.01% 364 0.01% Malaysia
17 14 0.00% 14 0.02% 214 0.00% Switzerland
18 8 0.00% 6 0.01% 125 0.00% Indonesia
19 8 0.00% 4 0.01% 120 0.00% Italy
20 8 0.00% 6 0.01% 164 0.00% United Kingdom
21 6 0.00% 4 0.01% 63 0.00% Finland
22 6 0.00% 4 0.01% 81 0.00% France
23 6 0.00% 0 0.00% 3 0.00% Ireland
24 6 0.00% 2 0.00% 24 0.00% Russian Federation
25 6 0.00% 4 0.01% 85 0.00% Thailand
26 4 0.00% 2 0.00% 28 0.00% Educational (edu)
27 4 0.00% 2 0.00% 54 0.00% Belgium
28 4 0.00% 2 0.00% 35 0.00% Brunei Darussalam
29 4 0.00% 2 0.00% 23 0.00% Estonia
30 4 0.00% 2 0.00% 34 0.00% Netherlands

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23